Shapiro Arato Obtains Attorneys’ Fee Award for Roc Nation, LLC Following Dismissal of Copyright Lawsuit
Alexandra Shapiro’s Op-Ed On Presidential Debates Lawsuit Published in The Washington Times and Law360
Shapiro Arato Files Lawsuit to Open Presidential Debates to Independent and Third-Party Candidates
Alexandra Shapiro Discusses Efforts to Open the Presidential Debates to a Third Candidate on Jim Brown’s Common Sense
Shapiro Arato Wins Second Circuit Ruling Vacating Conviction of Former Deutsche Bank Broker
Shapiro Arato’s Motion to Dismiss Declaratory Judgment Action against the J.D. Salinger Literary Trust Featured in Publishers’ Weekly Article
Shapiro Arato Argues Second Circuit Appeal of Pilot’s Case Against Drug Test Administrators
Alexandra Shapiro Interviewed on Shapiro Arato Efforts to Change The Presidential Debate Rules to Allow an Independent Candidate to Participate
Alexandra Shapiro to Speak at Practising Law Institute’s 2015 Appellate Advocacy Seminar
Alexandra Shapiro to Speak on Proposal to Change the Rule on Access to the Presidential Debates